Sunday, May 21, 2017

Review : Keeper of Souls

Keeper of Souls

By: Casey L. Bond


Carmen Kennedy finally feels normal. Enrolled in college, she’s making a few friends and taking life one day at a time. Her days are filled with classes, studying, and attempting to be more social, while her nights are filled with terrifying dreams. All of her nightmares have one thing in common: him. She can’t see his face, but a flash of dark feathers is all it takes to remind her of The Keeper of Crows. He isn’t supposed to be real. 

There is a world that exists beneath the fabric of our own, a torturous place filled with despair. The Keeper is there; Carmen just has to find out why and if there is a way to help him leave that place. Her sanity and life will be threatened, but she can’t ignore his screams any longer. 

When love exists, it doesn’t matter the distance. It finds a way to remind you. 

Will love be enough to save Michael and Carmen when The Keeper of Souls stands in their way?


I was very much impatiently awaiting this second and final installment of Casey’s Keeper series. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it and find out exactly what happened to Carmen and her beloved! Since this is the second book in a series and I don’t want to tell too much, I’ll try to give the best spoiler free review I can. So bare with me if things end up kinda muddled.

Casey seriously did NOT disappoint. From start to finish I was completely enthralled with this story. It was so well rounded, well researched, original, and breathe taking.

The story line was so amazing. Casey really put her own twist on Purgatory, Angels, Afterlife, and Love.

While reading Keeper of Souls, I found myself transported (as I do with many of Casey’s books) into Carmen’s world. Struggling to stay sane and figure out what’s real and what’s not.

The foreshadowing was top notch! It wasn’t super obvious of what was going to happen, but you had a great picture of what was to come. Which lead to the most epic battle of good and evil. When I got to the battle scene and looked over at my clock and saw it was one in the morning… I knew the next day would suck because I was NOT putting that book down for any reason.

These characters became my life! I’m still thinking about them!

Don’t get me started on the ending! The most perfect ending there could have been. So not what you would have expected. With all of the books I’ve read about similar story lines, none of them went in the direction Casey did with how to find the solution to how two from a different realm could be together forever. Pure genius!

You guys really need this duology in your lives. It’s such a fantastical adventure you won’t regret taking. 

You can find book one, Keeper of Crows, By Clicking Here

-Courtney Moctezuma

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