Thursday, March 9, 2017

Review : One Petal Flower

One Petal Flower

By: Kristi Ayers


Darian Moon would give anything to be close to Jonas again. Despite reassurances from a friend that her late boyfriend is still around, she is willing to sacrifice everything to be with him, even her own life... 

Two forces, motivated by different goals, wage a battle for her heart and soul, leaving Darian to decide which route to take in order to get back to the boy whose soul will not cross over until she finds another who will earn from her, a one petal flower.


   This book was crazy how good it was! Reading the synopsis you’d think this story was going to be clean, cut, and dry. Darian lost her boyfriend and now he’s haunting her. You kind of just figure that there’s obviously no way for her to still be with him so he will eventually move on, and Darian will find love elsewhere. Well, it was definitely NOT that simple.

   I don’t know about everyone else, but I saw absolutely no foreshadowing in this book to tell me what was to happen next. Which was awesome because every twist and turn was like Emeril throwing spices, BAM!!

   Kristi added so many different elements to this book and nothing was your typical plot twist. Some of the story actually had me confused because I’ve never heard of some of it before. So it was really interesting to learn about different paranormal elements, instead of the same old same old.
Since this book was on the shorter side, I expected it to be somewhat rushed or lacking in the developmental department. No freaking way. It felt like a full length novel!

   There was so much detail, everything was so complex, it all flowed together great, and made a beautiful story.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Very pleasantly surprised. I knew it was going to be good based on the synopsis. I just didn’t think it’d be THIS good. I highly recommend One Petal Flower.

It is available now on Amazon, as well as other works from
Kristi Ayers. 

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-Courtney Moctezuma

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